Friday, July 15, 2011

Where did the last half of a year go??

(pic taken yesterday at Magnolia Pool)

Just dusted off the blog and thought I'd send a post out to catch up with what we've been up to since January and hopefully aim to update it more frequently especially with those interested in following our upcoming travels!

In an effort to avoid a 10 page blog entry I'll do my best to keep it short and let the photos do (most) of the talking...

February: Bye Bye Blue
We sold Big Blue (our first home we owned together) in search of a home with a better layout for kiddos (who knew bedrooms off the dining room would be an issue?? - these things did not come to the our minds as home purchasers in our mid 20's)

March: Boomerang
Jan was nice enough to once again open the deluxe hostel for not only her son, but wife, grandchild and grandpup - Thank you JAN for letting us live with you while we found our scouted a new home!

April: #1
Lillian turned 1 on 4/25 and we learned what it's like to say so long to a baby and hello to our little toddler. She's fast on all fours and talking up a storm, keeping us on our toes with her little firecracker of a personality!

May: May Day!
Wonderful visit with family in Philly for Mother's Day... the same week we closed on our new home 6 blocks from our old house

Pham in Philly:

At the new house:

June: Attended Brett's 10 Year College Reunion at University of Puget Sound and ran my third 1/2 Marathon

July: While Lillian gets her first taste of how much more fun life is if only she could always be living with grandparents, Brett & I are heading to Peru with SIL Brooke, BIL Jake and dear friends Kimmy & Brad... more updates to come!

Misc Summer Pics:

1 comment:

Ryan and Jesse said...

So fun to see and read about how much has gone on with your sweet family! Have an amazing trip!